Month: December 2023

White paint and a paintbrush for repainting home improvements

7 Essential home improvement tips for the winters

The winter between December and February can get excruciatingly cold in many regions of the U.S. For the most part, the temperature in most areas drops to an average of 33.2 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just above the freezing point.  Coupled with high annual snowfall in areas like Washington and Texas, winters can get troublesome…

a mom wanting a daily beauty routine for Mother's day

Beauty Essentials for the Modern Mom

As a mom, it can be challenging to find time for self-care, but taking care of yourself is essential for your overall well-being. You need to find time for yourself. One way to do this is to incorporate a beauty routine that works for you. Here are some beauty products that moms may like to…

Two women Hiking Twin Falls Maui Shelly Anderson and Heather Winfield

Hiking Trail Adventures in Maui

Some ​of the ​most memorable experience​s​ during my trip to Maui were ​​​the hiking​ trails. ​Believe me, ​I had plenty of unforgettable adventures on the island ​, but for now, we will be sticking to hiking​. Top 3 Hiking Trails on This Trip Twin Falls Hike Don’t get discouraged yet. There are places along the trail that you…