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Best Long Distance Moving Tips

a women surrounded by moving boxes

A long distance move is a big deal. It’s stressful, expensive, and it takes a lot of time to get everything ready. But the good news is that there are plenty of experts out there with helpful tips to make your move as easy as possible. Here are some great ideas from people who have been through this before—take them on board, and you won’t go far wrong.

1) Get Moving Quotes Early On

Suppose you can start gathering quotes for your moving company early on in the process. This way, when relocating long distance you can see how much different companies charge, so you know what budget will work best for your needs when it comes down to booking one.

2) Plan Ahead

Long distance moves take more time, effort, and energy than most. So it’s essential to plan everything out well in advance—especially if you’re moving overseas.

3) Work Out What To Take And What To Leave

This depends on your needs—but it’s worth investing in good quality, sturdy shipping container for valuable items that you can’t live without. If you know what needs to be conveyed by a moving company – then it won’t get damaged or lost along the way – you’ll save yourself a lot of hassle.

4) Check That Everything’s Insured

There’s nothing worse than knowing everything’s gone, then finding out you’re not covered. So check that your moving company insures all the contents of your property on your move—this way, if anything does happen to go wrong, you’ll be able to make a claim.

5) Make Sure You’ve Got Everything Together

 And by “everything,” we mean all useful documentation for both your moving company and any house purchases or rentals you have planned. Get things in order as early as possible to save yourself time on the day.

6) Make Sure Your Pet is Vaccinated

If you’re looking after your pet in transit, make sure to keep them safe and that they have all the correct vaccinations. The last thing you need is for a furry friend to cause havoc when you’re moving.

7) Use the Right Boxes for Important Items

If you’re looking to move long distance, your items mustn’t get damaged. To ensure this, make sure you use sturdy boxes – like the ones provided by most moving companies – and pack them securely to minimize bouncing around in transit.

8) Move on a Weekday

 Long distance moves often take place on weekends, so it pays to plan ahead. You don’t want to be moving all your stuff over the weekend and then having nowhere to stay when you arrive.

9) Keep Your Valuables Safe

If there’s any chance that valuables might go missing, make sure you put them somewhere safe – like a reputable storage facility. You don’t want to risk losing anything on the day of your move.

10) Get Comfortable

Finally, when it comes to moving long distance, being comfortable is vital. If you can get someone else to help—or your moving company supplies it—then get yourself a pod chair. These things make car travel so much easier and are well worth the investment.

11) Keep Stress Levels Down

This is a big one. Keeping stress levels down will save you money, time, and energy on the day, not to mention keeping your mood positive.

12) Take Care of Your Car

Driving long distances can be stressful enough without having to worry about your vehicle. It’s also an excellent idea to recondition your car before making the journey—especially if you’re going overseas.

13) Know What You’re Moving

If there are any goods or objects of sentimental value, it’s worth taking photos of them beforehand, so you have no problems trying to recall what they look like when you get to your destination.

14) Book the Right Storage

If you’re planning on moving long distance, it’s a good idea to store any valuables before making the trip. This will allow you to rest easy, knowing that they’ll be safe while you’re away.

15) Pack Food

Suppose you’re on a long moving journey, especially if you have kids. The last thing you want is your family getting hangry and costing you more money than necessary on the day.

16) Prepare for the Worst

It’s essential to plan out the worst-case scenario and make sure you have a backup plan. You never know what might happen when you go on a long distance move.

17) Pick Your Favorite Music

Finally, it’s always worth listening to some of your favorite songs if you’re making the long trip by car. Not only will this help pass the time, but it’ll also keep you motivated. After all, what’s better than listening to your favorite tunes when you’re moving?


The next time you’re looking to relocate long distance, keep these best long-distance moving tips in mind. With the right preparation and a little patience, you’ll be able to make your move with ease while minimizing stress levels along the way. Depending on where you need to go or how far away it is, there are different strategies for packing up and getting set up once you arrive—but they all involve following these simple steps! Which of these has helped make your recent moves easier? Let us know by commenting below!

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