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How to find happiness by looking inside of yourself!

A woman sitting meditating finding happiness by looking inside of herself

Happiness is one thing that everybody wants. But, to be real honest, it’s not always that easy to find. Some lucky people find happiness in the simplest of things. Other people find happiness in their family life or their Careers. But in reality, happiness depends on what you are looking for.

We all have our own definition of what it is, if you want to know how to find happiness, the best way is to look inside of yourself.

Please continue reading below where we have laid out some steps on how to do it,


You first need to find a place you can be silent. Don’t be afraid of silence, silence can actually be beneficial for you.

 Pick a quiet spot, where you can relax.                        

You can either sit in a comfortable position or stand. Wherever you find it more relaxing. Next, begin the first exercise by breathing deeply and generously. Take a deep breath.

Try not to think about your pending tasks at work or at home, and instead just focus on your breathing.  Relax and keep breathing.   Once you’ve achieved a state of calm, channel your thoughts on the things that make you happy.

Think about happy feelings and watch where your thoughts will go. Do you see images from your childhood? Are you imagining your future self with a family of your own?

The important thing is, that once you are in comfortable silence, that’s when/where we can focus on where our happiness lies.


A great method on how to find your happiness is to channel your inner child. Many people do not understand this part so I will go over a little with you.

Back when you were a little boy or girl, what were the little things that made you happy? Before bills, chores, and responsibilities came your way, where did you find the most bliss?

Try to recall the simple, good old days and revive your childhood.

It may hold the key to your happiness.


You can also try it the other way around. Start by thinking about the things that upset you the most.

What makes you angry, sad, disappointed or unfulfilled?  This will hold the clues to where and how you will find your happiness.  You are always feeling down about your partner, it may be time to move on and end the destructive relationship.

Your happiness may be in feelings of freedom or possibly in a relationship with a totally new person.

If you are always disappointed when you think about your job, maybe it’s time to ask for a promotion or maybe even consider switching Careers. Looking at the bad things can actually be helpful in finding the good.


You may already know how to find your happiness, but you just don’t see the clues.

Observe yourself and make note of the following:

  1. Where do you smile the most? What causes you to smile?
  2. What do you often talk about?
  3. What excites you the most?
  4. What do you enjoy doing for long periods of time without feeling tired or bored?
  5. What do you often fantasize about?

These are just some of the tell-tale signs that you can look for.


Passion keeps you going. Passion inspires us and creates strong feelings of love. Therefore, if you want to find your happiness, you gotta stick to your passions.

If you are passionate about drawing comic books, maybe it’s time for you to make more, or consider it as a Career.

If you are passionate about food and cooking, take a class and practice.

Do what you love and do what brings you joy. This will eventually lead to your happiness.

The definition of happiness varies a lot, but there is one simple secret to finding it. To find your bliss, all you need to do is look inside of you. You have the answers, you just need to pay close attention and you can get your own happiness and inner peace.


It is your choice to be at peace with yourself, to be better equipped to face the world. To be at peace is to be more contented with your lot in life.

Always live in the present moment, learn to accept, forgive, keep a journal and enjoy this happiness that is within yourself!

By YOLANDA ROSALES G. DE AL-BAIZ and Heather Winfield

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