All Posts By: David Lieber

Bikes on beach

Coronado Island on Bikes: An Adventure for All

San Diego’s hot and sunny summers attract travelers from all over the world and Californians from all over the state. Coronado Island, just across San Diego Bay, connected by the isthmus known as “the Silver Strand” is a great place to go on one of these overwhelmingly hot summer days. The wind wisping off the…

tents on a field

8 Best Camping Spots in Virginia

Going camping is one of the best ways to take a break from everyday life and relax. It also comes with the bonus of being healthy for you, as most camping trips also involve a good amount of hiking. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a weekend getaway or a way to get in shape,…

Women in lab coat Lidia Domagalska LAc

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Why it Works

Let’s start with the truth.  As much as we’d like to believe otherwise, aging is inevitable.  Of course, as we get older we feel it, but we also see it.  By age 25, aging starts at the cellular level with the termination of natural collagen production in the skin of our face and neck.  By age…