Month: April 2023

a white and gray remodeled kitchen

Things To Consider Before Getting Your Kitchen Remodeled

Your dream kitchen, don’t you have a vision triggered by the charming photos on the internet or TV. We start wondering about the possible changes or additions we would do if given the chance to do a kitchen remodel. Redesigning a kitchen involves a horde of things and requires considerable planning, time, and budget. Before…

Women in lab coat Lidia Domagalska LAc

Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Why it Works

Let’s start with the truth.  As much as we’d like to believe otherwise, aging is inevitable.  Of course, as we get older we feel it, but we also see it.  By age 25, aging starts at the cellular level with the termination of natural collagen production in the skin of our face and neck.  By age…